
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:1970-01-01 07:54:54

贝宝(PayPal)无法进行任何检查,以了解应使用的正确金额或电子邮件地址或IPN URL只能与特定的PayPal帐户一起使用.您的选项将像您已经提到的那样写在其他检查中.除了您已经提到的两种解决方法外,第三个选择是使用PayPal的

There isn't any check that can be done by PayPal to know what the correct amount, or email address should be that was used, or that the IPN URL should only be used with a particular PayPal account. Your options would to be write in the additional checks like you have already mentioned. In additional to what you already stated about your 2 workarounds, a 3rd option would be to create a hosted or encrypted button on the fly using PayPal's BMCreateButton API. Then the buyer would only see the encrypted button code, they would not be able to view your HTML button code. Therefore they would not be able to modify any of the variables, or see what they are currently set to.