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如何制作 tkinter 应用程序的屏幕截图?

更新时间:2022-12-21 11:16:17

既然您提到您使用的是 Windows.您可以按照此答案中的指示使用 Win32 API 在 Windows 上使用 python 截取屏幕截图的最快方法.希望这会有所帮助.

但实际上 Pyscreenshot 应该是您要找的.​​p>


from pyscreenshot 导入抓取im = 抓取(bbox=(100, 200, 300, 400))im.show()

如您所见,您可以使用 bbox 截取坐标为 (100, 200) 且宽度为 300、高度为 400 的屏幕截图.


使用 PIL 您可以调整大小:

from PIL import Image从 pyscreenshot 导入抓取img = 抓取(bbox=(100, 200, 300, 400))# 保持纵横比w = 300小时 = 400最大高度 = 600最大宽度 = 800比率 = 最小(最大宽度/宽度,最大高度/高度)# 正确的图像大小不是#oldsize * ratio## img.resize(...) 返回一个调整大小的图像并且不会影响 img 除非# 你分配返回值img = img.resize((h * ratio, width * ratio), Image.ANTIALIAS)


I need to do a screenshot of the content of the tkinter application below. I am on Windows 7 (or 8).

from Tkinter import *

def test(x):    
    #print "I'm in event:", x
    if x == 1:            # if event on entry e1 
        print 'e1 event' # do some thing
    elif x == 2:            # also if event on entry e2    
        print 'e2 event'  # do some thing else
        print 'no event' 

def test1(x):

def test2(x):



e1.bind( "<FocusOut>", test1) 
e2.bind( "<FocusOut>", test2)   
button=Button(root, text='print').pack(side=BOTTOM)


Since you mentioned that you are on Windows. You can use the Win32 API as directed in this answer Fastest way to take a screenshot with python on windows. Hope this helps.

But actually Pyscreenshot should be what you are looking for.

Take the following code for example:

from pyscreenshot import grab

im = grab(bbox=(100, 200, 300, 400))

As you can see you can use bbox to take screenshot that is at co-ordinates (100, 200) and has a width of 300 and a height of 400.

Also as regards the printing check out Printing using win32api. I hope these help.

Using PIL you can do a resize:

from PIL import Image
from pyscreenshot import grab

img = grab(bbox=(100, 200, 300, 400))

# to keep the aspect ratio
w = 300
h = 400
maxheight = 600
maxwidth = 800
ratio = min(maxwidth/width, maxheight/height)
# correct image size is not #oldsize * ratio#

# img.resize(...) returns a resized image and does not effect img unless
# you assign the return value
img = img.resize((h * ratio, width * ratio), Image.ANTIALIAS)

I would advise changing your program so that you can resize the image before printing