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ASP.NET MVC - 一个URL的参数提取

更新时间:2023-01-06 22:04:25


RouteData.Values["id"] + Request.Url.Query


Will match all your examples

这是不完全清楚你想达到什么目的。 MVC模式,通过传递URL参数你绑定。

It is not entirely clear what you are trying to achieve. MVC passes URL parameters for you through model binding.

public class CustomerController : Controller {

  public ActionResult Edit(int id) {

    int customerId = id //the id in the URL

    return View();


public class ProductController : Controller {

  public ActionResult Edit(int id, bool allowed) { 

    int productId = id; // the id in the URL
    bool isAllowed = allowed  // the ?allowed=true in the URL

    return View();



Adding a route mapping to your global.asax.cs file before the default will handle the /administration/ part. Or you might want to look into MVC Areas.

  "Admin", // Route name
  "Administration/{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
  new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults


If it's the raw URL data you are after then you can use one of the various URL and Request properties available in your controller action

string url = Request.RawUrl;
string query= Request.Url.Query;
string isAllowed= Request.QueryString["allowed"];

这听起来像 Request.Url.PathAndQuery 可能是你想要的东西。


If you want access to the raw posted data you can use

string isAllowed = Request.Params["allowed"];
string id = RouteData.Values["id"];