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是否有相当于 Apache Hadoop 的 .NET?

更新时间:2023-01-06 22:34:07

您是否考虑过使用 Hadoop 的流媒体?

我一直在 python 中使用它:-).

I use it in python all the time :-).


I'm starting to see that the heterogeneous approach is often the best and it looks like other folks are doing the same.

如果您查看协议缓冲区或 facebook 的 thrift 等项目,您会发现有时***使用用另一种语言编写的应用程序并用您喜欢的语言构建粘合剂.

If you look at projects like protocol-buffers or facebook's thrift you see that sometimes it's just best to use an app written in another language and build the glue in the language of your preference.