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如何使用apache pig加载hadoop集群上的文件?

更新时间:2023-01-11 16:29:37


  1. 在hdfs中创建一个文件夹: hadoop fs -mkdir / pigdata $>

  2. 加载文件创建的hdfs文件夹: hadoop fs -put /opt/pig/tutorial/data/excite-small.log/ pigdata

(或者你可以从grunt shell作为 grunt> copyFromLocal /opt/pig/tutorial/data/excite-small.log / pigdata

  1. 执行pig latin脚本:


    grunt>上设置调试set job.name'first-p2-job'

    grunt> log = LOAD'hdfs:// hostname:54310 / pigdata / excite-small.log'AS
    grunt> grpd = GROUP log BY用户;
    grunt> cntd = FOREACH grpd GENERATE组,COUNT(log);
    grunt> STORE cntd INTO'output';

  2. 输出文件将存储在 hdfs://主机名:54310 / pigdata / output

I have a pig script, and need to load files from local hadoop cluster. I can list the files using hadoop command: hadoop fs –ls /repo/mydata,` but when i tried to load files in pig script, it failed. the load statement is like this:

in = LOAD '/repo/mydata/2012/02' USING PigStorage() AS (event:chararray, user:chararray)

the error message is:

Message: org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException: ERROR 2118: Input path does not exist: file:/repo/mydata/2012/02

any idea? thanks

My suggestion:

  1. Create a folder in hdfs : hadoop fs -mkdir /pigdata

  2. Load the file to the created hdfs folder: hadoop fs -put /opt/pig/tutorial/data/excite-small.log /pigdata

(or you can do it from grunt shell as grunt> copyFromLocal /opt/pig/tutorial/data/excite-small.log /pigdata)

  1. Execute the pig latin script :

       grunt> set debug on
       grunt> set job.name 'first-p2-job'
       grunt> log = LOAD 'hdfs://hostname:54310/pigdata/excite-small.log' AS 
                  (user:chararray, time:long, query:chararray); 
       grunt> grpd = GROUP log BY user; 
       grunt> cntd = FOREACH grpd GENERATE group, COUNT(log); 
       grunt> STORE cntd INTO 'output';

  2. The output file will be stored in hdfs://hostname:54310/pigdata/output