
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事

Visual Studio 安装问题 - '加载安装组件时遇到问题.正在取消设置."

更新时间:2023-01-23 17:19:48

一位同事发现了这个 MS自动卸载工具,它为我成功卸载了 VS2008 并节省了我的工作时间!!

A colleague found this MS auto-uninstall tool which has successfully uninstalled VS2008 for me and saved me hours of work!!

希望这对其他人有用.没有高度评价 MS 对他们通常必须提供的 VS 维护工具的信心!

Hopefully this might be useful to others. Doesn't speak highly of MS's faith in their usual VS maintenance tools that they have to provide this as well!