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多个移动平台游戏开发(的Andr​​oid / iOS版)

更新时间:2023-02-02 19:17:20

查看科罗娜SDK 。他们提供你在寻找什么 - 2D图形,动画,物理引擎,触摸,声音;他们提供了它作为为iOS和Android跨平台的解决方案。该引擎是基于OpenGL的,以及他们使用的Lua作为一门语言。

的主要缺点是,如果你想为支持的话收费平台200 $,或者$ 350但是,您需要只有当你真正得到发布你的游戏订阅;你可以免费使用它在本地搭建自己的设备。

I'm currently developing a small indie game for the Android framework, however in order to save my some future work - I was wondering, is there a way to develop a game for the Android and iOS at the same time?

I'm aware of HTML 5 solutions, but I'm unsure if you can use them in order to develop games. My requirements: * 2D Graphics with animations * Play sounds (music/sfx) * Touch gestures (click, drag, pinch, etc)

Any suggestions?

Check out Corona SDK. They offer exactly what you are looking for - 2D graphics, animations, physics engine, touch, sounds; and they offer it as a cross-platform solution for both iOS and Android. The engine is OpenGL based, and they use Lua as a language.

The main drawback is that it costs $200 per platform, or $350 if you want support for both. However, you need the subscription only when you actually get to publishing your game; you can use it for free locally to build for your own device.