
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-02 21:18:17

OpenStep/Cocoa类型的Objective C平台有四种非Mac实现:

There are Four non Mac implementations of OpenStep/Cocoa type Objective C platforms:

  1. OpenStep/NextStep:仅Openstep/NeXT支持机器-停产.
  2. p .....可以记住名字或在网上找到它-它在某个地方! -Linux
  3. Cocotron-仅Windows
  4. GNUStep Linux/Windows


GNUSTep is the way to go for Linux... I mention there others because 2 and 3 are available in source and they can be used to patch holes in code the GNUStep doesn't have and they might.

在图形库方面-您可能会遇到问题,因为Apple不再使用旧的OpenStep API,并且其API的发展速度远远超过了人们可以追赶的GNUStep.不支持最新的图形库,例如Core Animation.

When it comes to Graphics library - you may have problems because Apple moved away from the old OpenStep APIs and has kept evolving their APIs far faster than the GNUStep people can play catch up. There is no support for the latest graphics libraries such as Core Animation.

由于Objective C是C和C ++友好的,因此您可以按原样使用这些库中的任何一个,也可以通过包装来使Objective C友好.

As Objective C is C and C++ friendly you can use any of these libraries as is, or by making the Objective C friendly by making a wrapper.


You may or may not want to be Mac compatible and do versions for that so it may not be important.

如果这样做的话,如果缺少OpenGL,我可能想为像OpenGL之类的东西做一个Linux Wrapper,我认为是的,但是请您自己检查一下....

If you do you might want to do a Linux Wrapper for something like OpenGL if it is missing, which I think it is but have a check yourself....


There are Linux development tools including a project IDE and GUI builder for GNUStep on Linux.
