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使用 PHP 创建和删除文件后 Docker 不释放内存

更新时间:2023-02-02 21:31:57

是的,已经报告了类似的问题 这里.

Yes, a similar issue has been reported here.

这里是贡献者之一coolljt0725的答案为什么 top 输出中的 RES 列显示的内容与 docker stats 不同(我只是按原样引用他):

Here's the answer of coolljt0725, one of the contributors, answering why a RES column in top output shows something different, than docker stats (I'm just gonna quote him as is):

如果我理解正确,docker stats 中的内存使用情况完全是从容器的内存 cgroup 中读取的,您可以看到该值与您从 cat/sys/fs/cgroup/memory/docker/665e99f8b760c0300f10d3d9b35b1a5e5fdcf1b7e4a0e27c1b6ff10098/1d9a96 读取的值相同memory.usage_in_bytes,这个限制也是创建容器时-m设置的内存cgroup限制.RES 和 memory cgroup 的统计数据不同,RES 不考虑缓存,但 memory cgroup 考虑,这就是为什么 docker stats 中的 MEM USAGE 比 top 中的 RES 多

If I understand correctly, the memory usage in docker stats is exactly read from containers's memory cgroup, you can see the value is the same with 490270720 which you read from cat /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/docker/665e99f8b760c0300f10d3d9b35b1a5e5fdcf1b7e4a0e27c1b6ff100981d9a69/memory.usage_in_bytes, and the limit is also the memory cgroup limit which is set by -m when you create container. The statistics of RES and memory cgroup are different, the RES does not take caches into account, but the memory cgroup does, that's why MEM USAGE in docker stats is much more than RES in top


What a user suggested here might actually help you to see the real memory consumption:

尝试设置docker run --memory的参数,然后检查你的/sys/fs/cgroup/memory/docker//memory.usage_in_bytes应该是对的.

Try set the param of docker run --memory,then check your /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/docker/<container_id>/memory.usage_in_bytes It should be right.

--memory-m 描述 这里:

-m, --memory="" - 内存限制(格式:<number>[<unit>]).数字是一个正整数.单位可以是 bkmg 之一.最小值为 4M.

-m, --memory="" - Memory limit (format: <number>[<unit>]). Number is a positive integer. Unit can be one of b, k, m, or g. Minimum is 4M.

现在如何避免不必要的内存消耗.正如您发布的那样,在 PHP 中取消链接文件不需要立即删除内存缓存.相反,在特权模式下运行 Docker 容器(带有 --privileged 标志)然后可以调用 echo 3 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_cachessync &&sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3 定期清除内存页面缓存.

And now how to avoid the unnecessary memory consumption. Just as you posted, unlinking a file in PHP does not necessary drop memory cache immediately. Instead, running the Docker container in privileged mode (with --privileged flag) it is then possible to call echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches or sync && sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3 periodcally to clear the memory pagecache.

另外,使用 fopen('php://temp', 'w+') 并将文件临时存储在内存中可以避免整个问题.

And as a bonus, using fopen('php://temp', 'w+') and storing the file temporary in memory avoids the entire issue.