
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-02 22:33:07


Don't think so much in terms of SQL syntax and "extra joins", think more in terms of models, entities, attributes, and relations.


At the highest level, your model's central entity is a Post. What are the attributes of a post?

  • 谁发布了帖子

  • 发布时

  • 其内容

  • 一些用于搜索目的的其他元数据

  • (其他?)

  • Who posted it
  • When it was posted
  • Its contents
  • Some additional metadata for search purposes
  • (Others?)

每个属性对于该帖子都是唯一的,因此应直接在帖子表中,或者不应该在帖子表中与相关相关的表格;一个明显的例子是谁发布了-这应该只是一个具有与发布者/实体实体的另一张表格相关的ID的发布者字段。 (注意:您的发布者实体不必一定是您的身体实体...)

Each of these attributes is either unique to that post and therefore should be in the post table directly, or is not and should be in a table which is related; one obvious example is "who posted it" - this should simply be a PostedBy field with an ID which relates another table for poster/body entities. (NB: Your poster entity does not necessarily have to be your body entity ...)

您的发布者/实体实体具有各自的属性,这些属性对于每个发布者都是唯一的/ body,或者再次,应该在自己的某个规范化实体中。

Your poster/body entity has its own attributes that are either unique to each poster/body, or again, should be in some normalized entity of their own.


Are job posts and course posts substantially different? Perhaps you should consider CoursePosts and JobPosts subset tables with job- and course-specific data, and then join these to your Posts table.


The key thing is to get your model in such a state that all of the entity attributes and relationships make sense where they are. Correctly modeling your actual entities will prevent both performance and logic issues down the line.


For your specific question, if your bodies are generally identical in terms of attributes (name, contact info, etc) then you want to put them in the same table. If they are substantially different, then they should probably be in different tables. And if they are substantially different, and your jobs and courses are substantially different, then definitely consider creating two entirely different data models for JobPosts versus CoursePosts and then simply linking them in some superset table of Posts. But as you can tell, from an object-oriented perspective, if your Posts have nothing in common but perhaps a unique key identifier and some administrative metadata, you might even ask why you're mixing these two entities in your application.