
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-02 22:46:11


You can identify duplicate files using an awk one-liner.


Let's create some files, of which some would be duplicates.

[jaypal~/Temp]$ cat a.txt 
[jaypal~/Temp]$ cat b.txt 
[jaypal~/Temp]$ cat c.txt 
[jaypal~/Temp]$ cat d.txt 

从上面我们所示的输出知道文件的 A.TXT c.txt 有确切的重复。文件 d.txt ,即使有我的名字重新排列,不能被归类为重复。

From the output shown above we know that files a.txt and c.txt are exact duplicates. File d.txt even though has my name re-arranged, cannot be categorized as duplicate.


We will use cksum utility on each file and capture the output in a separate file.

[jaypal~/Temp]$ cksum a.txt b.txt c.txt d.txt > cksum.txt
[jaypal~/Temp]$ cat cksum.txt 
3007025847 7 a.txt
1281385283 6 b.txt
3007025847 7 c.txt
750690976 7 d.txt


Note: I used the above method since there were only 4 files for this demo. If you have hundreds of files to check dups from then use a simple for loop.

[jaypal~/Temp]$ for i in ./*.txt; do cksum $i >> cksum1.txt; done
[jaypal~/Temp]$ cat cksum1.txt 
3007025847 7 ./a.txt
1281385283 6 ./b.txt
3007025847 7 ./c.txt
750690976 7 ./d.txt

现在,我们有cksum.txt文件,我们可以利用这个与我们的 AWK 单行识别重复。

Now that we have the cksum.txt file we can use this with our awk one-liner to identify duplicates.

[jaypal~/Temp]$ awk 'NR==FNR && a[$1]++ { b[$1]; next } $1 in b' cksum.txt cksum.txt 
3007025847 7 a.txt
3007025847 7 c.txt

这将列出所有在你的目录超过100份文件。 请注意,删除这些文件中的任何一个,不能同时使用。 :)你可以随时管道输出到排序,让他们为了。

This will list all the files that have more than 1 copies in your directory. Please note that delete any one of these files and not both. :) You can always pipe the output to sort to get them in order.


Alternatively, you can do the following to get just single duplicate file instead of getting both copies. The reason I am not too fond of this one is because it doesn't show me which duplicate it is of.

[jaypal~/Temp]$ awk '{ x[$1]++; if (x[$1]>1) print $0}' cksum.txt 
3007025847 7 c.txt