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如何使用Azure.in visual studio 2010创建Asp.net网站以发送推送通知?

更新时间:2023-02-16 23:42:02

我们没有这方面的完整样本 我确实为你可以使用的商店应用做了一个:

http://blogs.msdn.com/b/wsdevsol/archive/十分之二千零一十二/ 04 /演练创造-AN-IIS服务器使用的与 - WNS-推通知和 - 窗-STORE-apps.aspx

How to create Asp.net website to send the push notification by using Azure in visual studio 2010.We are getting the device token who will downloading our mobile application.and we want to send push notifications to that users only.

vanita nikam

We don't have a complete sample of this.  I did do one for Store apps that you can use however:
