
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-19 23:24:38


while True:
    N = input("Please input factorial you would like to calculate: ")
    try: # try to ...
        N = int(N) # convert it to an integer.
    except ValueError: # If that didn't succeed...
        print("Invalid input: not an integer.")
        continue # retry by restarting the while loop.
    if N > 0: # valid input
        break # then leave the while loop.
    # If we are here, we are about to re-enter the while loop.
    print("Invalid input: not positive.")

在Python 3中,input()返回一个字符串.在所有情况下,您都必须将其转换为数字.因此,您的N != int(N)没有任何意义,因为您无法将字符串与整数进行比较.

In Python 3, input() returns a string. You have to convert it to a number in all cases. Your N != int(N) thus makes no sense, as you cannot compare a string with an int.


Instead, try to convert it to an int directly, and if that doesn't work, let the user enter again. That rejects floating point numbers as well as everything else which is not valid as an integer.