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请问VS 2010允许我用新的异步和等待关键字在C#中?

更新时间:2023-02-24 22:02:19

现在的异步CTP允许您使用新的等待异步语法在Visual Studio 2010中是很常见的语言团队演示新功能的时候提供CTP版本的Visual Studio的最新版本。这是一个伟大的方式来让开发试验和反馈给语言团队。

Right now the Async CTP allows for you to use the new awaits and async syntax in Visual Studio 2010. It's common for the language teams to provide CTPs for the current version of Visual Studio when demonstrating new features. It's a great way to let developers experiment and give feedback to the language team.

不过,对于最终版本中的新语言功​​能通常只提供用于Visual Studio(Dev11在这种情况下)的下一个版本。他们不是向后移植到Visual Studio的previous版本。

However for the final release the new language features are typically only made available for the next version of Visual Studio (Dev11 in this case). They aren't back ported to the previous version of Visual Studio.


This pattern of CTP in current release and final in next has happened before with LINQ. It's almost certain to repeat with awaits