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Linux MONO是否支持ASP.NET Core 2.2 MVC?

更新时间:2023-02-25 09:13:26

Mono 5.4实现了netstandard 2.0 .由于ASP.NET Core 2.x在netstandard 2.0上运行,因此Mono 5.4也确实支持ASP.NET Core 2.x.

Mono 5.4 implements netstandard 2.0. Since ASP.NET Core 2.x runs on netstandard 2.0, Mono 5.4 also does support ASP.NET Core 2.x.

请注意,从ASP.NET Core 3.0开始,该框架将仅在.NET Core上运行.这意味着,如果您要坚持使用Mono,则必须坚持使用ASP.NET Core 2.x.

Note that starting with ASP.NET Core 3.0, the framework will only run on .NET Core. That means that if you want to stick to Mono, you will have to stick with ASP.NET Core 2.x.

由于ASP.NET Core 2.2不是长期支持(LTS)版本,这意味着它在3.0版本之后将在不久的时间内用完支持,如果您愿意,我建议您继续使用ASP.NET Core 2.1想要在Mono上运行它.

Since ASP.NET Core 2.2 is not a long time support (LTS) release, which means that it will run out of support not too long after 3.0 releases, I would recommend you to stay on ASP.NET Core 2.1 if you want to run it on Mono.

话虽这么说,实际上没有理由让您在该处运行Mono.您只可以正确使用.NET Core.如果您在其他WebForms项目中需要Mono,则可以为那些项目做.但是对于ASP.NET Core,您只能选择.NET Core运行时.因为最后,即使您同时在Mono上运行,ASP.NET Core和WebForms也不会混合使用.

That being said, there isn’t really a reason for you to run on Mono there. You can just use .NET Core properly. If you need Mono around for other WebForms projects, then you can just do that for those projects. But for ASP.NET Core, you can just choose the .NET Core runtime. Because in the end, ASP.NET Core and WebForms will not mix, even if you run both on Mono.