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如何将 SVN 存储库移动到新服务器

更新时间:2023-02-25 20:15:00

您可以使用 svnadmin dump 功能迁移存储库.在 SVN 服务器上,输入 svnadmin dump/absolute/path/to/the/repo >/tmp/repo.svndump.这会将整个存储库导出到系统临时目录中的文本文件中,并将其命名为repo.svndump".您可能希望在将该文件传输到新服务器之前对其进行压缩.

You can migrate a repository using the svnadmin dump function. On the SVN server, type svnadmin dump /absolute/path/to/the/repo > /tmp/repo.svndump. This will export the entire repository to a text file in the system's temporary directory and name it "repo.svndump". You might want to compress that file before transferring it to the new server.

导出存储库后,您可以将转储文件传输到新服务器并像这样导入它:svnadmin load/absolute/path/to/the/**new**/repo repo.svndump.

Once you have the repo exported, you can then transfer the dump file to the new server and import it like so: svnadmin load /absolute/path/to/the/**new**/repo < repo.svndump.

请参阅svnadmin 转储"和svnadmin load' 了解更多信息.

See 'svnadmin dump' and 'svnadmin load' for more information.

在转储存储库并将其加载到新服务器上后,您将使用 --relocate 命令将本地副本切换到新服务器.

After dumping the repository and loading it on the new server you would use the --relocate command to switch your local copy to the new server.


Caution: If your repositories use any externals then you will have some problems. See my question on Server Fault for details about this.