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更新时间:2023-02-26 21:13:57


This problem seems to only affect apps installed via Xcode. The issue persists even if you later update the app from a different source.

解决方案是完全删除该应用程序,然后从TestFlight或App Store重新安装它.

The solution is to completely remove the app, and reinstall it from TestFlight or the App Store.


In effect, this bug should not affect your end users.


Edit 2016-10-15:

不幸的是,我似乎弄错了.这似乎是iOS 10上的错误,实际上也可能会影响App Store应用程序.如果可以安慰的话,诸如Facebook和WhatsApp之类的应用程序也会受到影响.解决方案显然是强制重启手机,但不幸的是似乎没有作为开发人员,我们可以做很多事情.

Unfortunately it seems that I was mistaken. This appears to be a bug on iOS 10 that can, in fact, affect App Store apps also. If it is of any consolation, apps such as Facebook and WhatsApp are affected too. The solution is apparently to force restart your phone, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much we can do about it as developers.


基于评论,Apple似乎已在 iOS 10.2

Based on this comment, Apple has seemed to fix the issue in iOS 10.2