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更新时间:2023-02-26 22:36:39

如果使用高级数据布局 idist 参数应允许您设置2个连续变换输入集的起始点之间的任意偏移。

If you use Advanced Data Layout, the idist parameter should allow you to set any arbitrary offset between the starting points of 2 successive transform input sets.


For the 1D case, the input will be selected according to the following based on the parameters you pass:

input[ b * idist + x * istride]

(其中 b 是当前正在处理的批次号,即b = 0,1,2 ... size]

(where b is the batch number currently being processed, i.e. b = 0, 1, 2, ... batch size)


"The idist and odist parameters indicate the distance between the first element of two consecutive batches in the input and output data."