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更新时间:2023-02-27 07:39:00

我需要在C#的方式来等待剩下的( X - 。actual_time)毫秒



还有就是你的问题。 Windows是不是实时的操作系统。




所以我会做什么是的放弃这个行动完全的。无论是,(1)考虑获得操作系统设计的实时过程控制,如果这是其实你的应用程序,而不是一个操作系统,专为多任务一堆业务线应用程序。或者(2)放弃你的要求,即动作恰好发生每25毫秒。只是执行计算一次,并得到您的量子其余到另一个线程。当你得到控制回来,看看你既然产生了超过25 ms是否已过;若没有,再次产生。如果有,重新开始和进行计算。

Every n*x milliseconds I perform an action where n = 0, 1, 2, ...; x is some increment.

Example - every 25 milliseconds I perform a calculation.

This action can take fewer than x seconds for each increment. As a result, I need a way in C# to wait the remaining (x - actual_time) milliseconds.

Example - if the calculation only takes 20 milliseconds, I need to wait 5 more milliseconds before re-running the calculation.

Please advise.

Thanks, Kevin

I need a way in C# to wait the remaining (x - actual_time) milliseconds.

I presume that is C# running on Windows.

And there is your problem. Windows is not a "realtime" operating system.

The best you can do if you need millisecond-grade timing precision is to set the thread priority of your thread extremely high, and then busy-wait while querying the high performance timer (Stopwatch).

You cannot yield to another thread; the other thread could run for as much as 16 milliseconds before the operating system context switches it, and of course unless you are the highest priority thread, you have no guarantee that control is coming back to you after those 16 milliseconds are up.

Now, setting thread priority high and then busy waiting is one of the most rude things you can possibly do; essentially you will be taking control of the user's machine and not allowing them to do anything else with it.

Therefore what I would do is abandon this course of action entirely. Either, (1) consider obtaining an operating system designed for realtime process control if that is in fact your application, rather than an operating system designed for multitasking a bunch of line-of-business applications. Or (2) abandon your requirement that the action happen exactly every 25 milliseconds. Just perform the calculation once and yield the remainder of your quantum to another thread. When you get control back, see if more than 25 ms has passed since you yielded; if it has not, yield again. If it has, start over and perform the calculation.