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对于尺度不变的特征提取,SURF 和 SIFT 是否有任何快速的替代方案?

更新时间:2023-02-27 07:38:48

虽然您已经选择了 BRISK,但您可能会发现 FREAK 很有趣.作者声称比 BRISK 和 ORB 有更好的结果.我还应该补充一点,ORB 尺度不变的,但在该领域存在一些问题.所以我还是会推荐给别人试试.

Although you already choose BRISK, you might find FREAK interesting. Author claims to have better results than BRISK and ORB. I should also add that ORB is scale-invariant but has some problems in that area. So I would still recommend it for someone to try it.

FREAK 源代码 与 OpenCV 兼容(合并它们有​​多容易我不知道知道)并且作者正在努力将其提交给 OpenCV 项目.

The FREAK source code is compatible with OpenCV (how easy it is to merge them I do not know) and the author is working on submitting it to the OpenCV project.

FREAK 现在是 opencv 特征检测器/描述符的一部分.一个>

可以在这里阅读更多关于几种特征检测器/提取器之间的差异,以及一系列基准测试 其中包括 FREAK 和其他流行的.

You can read here more about the differences between several feature detectors/extractors, and also a series of benchmarks which includes FREAK and other popular ones.