
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-27 08:56:38


Let's write this out with some more labels:

fibs :: [Integer]
fibs = 1 : 1 : sumft
 where sumft = zipWith (+) fibs tfi
       tfi = tail fibs


           ╭── tfi ───────┈┄··
fibs : [1, 1, ?, ?, ...
              ╰── sumft ──┈┄··
tfi  : [1, ?, ?, ?, ... 
sumft: [2, ?, ?, ?,


Now, as the computation marches on, the runtime don't move anything or whatever, it merely tries to fill in ? signs with concrete values. Remember, everything in Haskell is immutable; when I write ? I just mean I don't know yet what the value there is, but in principle it's already predetermined.


In this case, the runtime knows that the first ? in fibs comes from the head of sumft, whose exact value is known by now:

           ╭─── tfi ──────┈┄··
fibs : [1, 1, 2, ?, ...
              ╰─◀ sumft ──┈┄··
tfi  : [1, ?, ?, ?, ... 
sumft: [2, ?, ?, ?,


Now, this 2 is also known in tfi:

           ╭──▶ tfi ──────┈┄··
fibs : [1, 1, 2, ?, ...
              ╰── sumft ──┈┄··
tfi  : [1, 2, ?, ?, ... 
sumft: [2, ?, ?, ?,


...and thus we can perform the next addition:

           ╭─── tfi ──────┈┄··
fibs : [1, 1, 2, ?, ...
              ╰── sumft ──┈┄··
tfi  : [1, 2, ?, ?, ... 
sumft: [2, 3, ?, ?,

因此,也可以在其中使用另一个数字,即sumft的另一个元素,它是fibs的一部分.但是它仍然出现在相对于sumft 头的位置,即在2之后.

So, another number, i.e. another element of sumft that, being part of fibs, can also be used there. But it still occurs at the same place relative to the head of sumft – i.e. after the 2.

           ╭─── tfi ──────┈┄··
fibs : [1, 1, 2, 3, ...
              ╰─◀ sumft ──┈┄··
tfi  : [1, 2, ?, ?, ... 
sumft: [2, 3, ?, ?,


           ╭──▶ tfi ──────┈┄··
fibs : [1, 1, 2, 3, ...
              ╰── sumft ──┈┄··
tfi  : [1, 2, 3, ?, ... 
sumft: [2, 3, ?, ?,


...and so on and so on.