
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事

转到定义 &查找所有引用在 Visual Studio 中不起作用

更新时间:2023-02-27 11:10:03

最近升级到 VS2013 并且可以告诉您,当您单击定义它的函数名称时,查找所有引用"选项用于显示所有引用放置在调用函数的解决方案中.它现在所做的就是向您展示您正在查看的内容.

Have recently upgraded to VS2013 and can tell you that when you click on a function name where it is defined the "Find All References" option used to show all the places in the solution where the function was called. All it does now is show you the one you're already looking at.

现在我面前有第 218 行:公共共享函数 MyNewFunction(ByVal test As String)

In front of me now I have line 218: Public Shared Function MyNewFunction(ByVal test As String)

如果我右键单击 MyNewFunction 并选择Find All References",输出窗口会显示Find Symbol Results - 1 match found",它与上面的函数名称、文件和行号相同.所以它实际上是无用的.

If I right click on MyNewFunction and select "Find All References" the output window says "Find Symbol Results - 1 match found" and it's the same function name, file and line number as above. So it is effectively useless.


Unless of course, there is some hidden setting that we haven't seen yet?