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如何使用Visual Studio 2017在Windows上构建OpenSSL?

更新时间:2023-02-27 14:38:14


I've not used VS2017 but previous versions. I imagine it is much the same. In brief the steps are:

  1. 安装Perl(ActiveState或Strawberry)

  1. Install Perl (either ActiveState or Strawberry)



Make sure both Perl and NASM are on your %PATH%

使用管理特权启动Visual Studio Developer命令提示符(如果要构建32位OpenSSL,请确保使用32位,如果要构建64位OpenSSL,请确保使用64位, )

Fire up a Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt with administrative privileges (make sure you use the 32-bit one if you are building 32-bit OpenSSL, or the 64-bit one if you are building 64-bit OpenSSL)

如果要使用32位OpenSSL,请从OpenSSL源目录的根目录中输入perl Configure VC-WIN32,如果要使用64位OpenSSL,请输入perl Configure VC-WIN64A

From the root of the OpenSSL source directory enter perl Configure VC-WIN32, if you want 32-bit OpenSSL or perl Configure VC-WIN64A if you want 64-bit OpenSSL


输入nmake test

输入nmake install

如果在任何阶段出现任何问题,请检查安装文件以及 NOTES.WIN 文件.

If anything goes wrong at any stage, check the INSTALL file and the NOTES.WIN file.