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C#列表< T> VS IEnumerable的< T>性能问题

更新时间:2022-05-21 15:32:22

在这种特殊情况下,使用的IEnumerable&LT; T&GT; 的形式会更有效率,因为你的只有的需要知道计数。有没有点中存储数据,调整缓冲区等,如果你不需要。

In this particular case, using the IEnumerable<T> form will be more efficient, because you only need to know the count. There's no point in storing the data, resizing buffers etc if you don't need to.

如果您需要再次使用该结果以任何理由,在列表&LT; T&GT; 的形式会更有效。

If you needed to use the results again for any reason, the List<T> form would be more efficient.

请注意,无论是 COUNT()扩展方法和计数属性将是有效的列表&LT; T&GT; 的实施计数()检查是否目标序列实现的ICollection&LT; T&GT; ,并使用计数财产,如果左右。

Note that both the Count() extension method and the Count property will be efficient for List<T> as the implementation of Count() checks to see if the target sequence implements ICollection<T> and uses the Count property if so.


Another option which should be even more efficient (though only just) would be to call the overload of Count which takes a delegate:

private int GetProviderCount(Type type)
  return _objectProviders.Count(provider =>
       || type.IsAssignableFrom(provider.Key))
      && provider.Value.SupportsType(type));



(As Marc says, for small amounts of data the performance differences will probably be negligible anyway.)