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如何在Code :: Blocks中使用C11标准

更新时间:2021-12-10 23:16:51

由于默认情况下GCC 5.x版本与-std=gnu11一起运行,因此Code :: Blocks必须在做某些事情(例如传递-ansi)编译器以使其工作方式有所不同.

Since the GCC 5.x versions run with -std=gnu11 by default, Code::Blocks must be doing something (such as passing -ansi or -std=gnu90) to the compiler to make it work differently.

调查发送到编译器的所有选项.找到一种使Code :: Blocks向您显示其在编译时使用的确切方法的方法.然后找出解决方法.

Investigate all the options that are sent to the compiler. Find a way to have Code::Blocks show you the exact incantation it uses when compiling. Then work out how to fix it.


Options that are used are:

-Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wstrict-prototypes -Wconversion -std=gnu11 \
-O0 -g -ansi `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0`


The -ansi is doing the damage; it is equivalent to -std=c90 or perhaps -std=gnu90 — it explicitly undoes -std=c11 or -std=gnu11.