
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-02-21 17:48:59

基本上,他们担心你可能会自动化查询,而不是浏览网页的真人。说实话,这正是你在这里所做的 - 你正试图出于某种原因自动进行搜索。尝试降低搜索频率,并检查错误页面以进行reCaptcha测试。人类必须解决这些问题才能证明你不是机器。
Basically, they are concerned that you may be automating queries, instead of a "real human" browsing the web. And let's be honest, that is exactly what you are doing here - you are trying to automate searches for some reason. Try reducing the search frequency, and check the error page for reCaptcha tests. A human will have to solve these to prove you aren't a machine.