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AWS,无法更改 ec2 实例类型

更新时间:2022-06-27 10:00:06

您已经创建了原始的 Amazon EC2 具有 32 位映像的实例 - 这些仅适用于您提到的少数实例类型,无法升级到 64 位实例类型,恐怕您需要在 64 位实例类型上重新安装和迁移您的数据.

You have created the original Amazon EC2 instance with a 32-bit image - these are only available for the few instance types you mentioned and can not be upgraded to 64-bit instance types, I'm afraid you need to reinstall on a 64-bit instance type and migrate your data across.

  • See e.g. RakeshS' answer to How can I upgrade my 32 bit Amazon EC2 EBS backed instance into 64 bit one? for high level instructions how to manually migrate you data to a fresh 64-bit instance.

请注意,AWS 在 2012 年春季推出了64 位 Ubiquity,即每个实例类型都可以与 64 位图像一起使用,这(正如您刚刚痛苦地发现的那样)您可以更轻松地垂直扩展(到更大或更小的实例),而无需维护并行(32 位和 64 位)AMI(请参阅 EC2 更新:新的中型实例、64 位 Ubiquity、SSH 客户端 详情).

Please note that AWS has introduced 64-bit Ubiquity in spring 2012, i.e. every instance type can be used with 64-bit images, which (as you just painfully discovered) will make it easier for you to scale vertically (to larger and smaller instances) without having to maintain parallel (32 and 64-bit) AMIs indeed (see EC2 Updates: New Medium Instance, 64-bit Ubiquity, SSH Client for details).

我非常同意 Eric Hammond 的建议,即只使用相同的架构(64 位)) 在所有 EC2 实例类型上:

I strongly agree with Eric Hammond's advise to only Use the Same Architecture (64-bit) on All EC2 Instance Types going forward:

虽然 t1.micro、m1.small 和 c1.medium 将继续支持32 位 AMI,我认为几乎没有理由使用不再使用 EC2 上的 32 位实例.

Though t1.micro, m1.small, and c1.medium will continue to also support 32-bit AMIs, it is my opinion that there is virtually no reason to use 32-bit instances on EC2 any more.


始终坚持使用 64 位实例可为您提供切换正在运行的实例类型的最大灵活性实例,在构建您的应用程序时减少了必要的选择和工作拥有自己的 AMI,让生活更简单.

Sticking with 64-bit instances everywhere all the time gives you the most flexibility to switch the instance type of your running instances, reduces the choices and work necessary when building your own AMIs, and just makes life simpler.