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windbg首先连接然后卡在“Debuggee not connected”上。内核调试过程中的消息

更新时间:2022-05-25 22:04:36

看起来你有调试器附加到目标。 (1)忽略WinDbg状态消息。查看是否连接到目标的***方法是尝试一些命令。 (2)当我调试一个虚拟机时,我使用的串行端口也丢失了,但是它看起来像是出来(工作很好)。

It looks like you got the debugger attached to the target. (1) Ignore WinDbg status message. The best way to see if you're connected to the target is to try a few commands. (2) When I debug a virtual machine, the serial port that I'm using also goes missing, but it looks like you figured that out (good job).

为了发出命令,你需要进入内核。单击Debug-> Break,然后尝试以下命令:

In order to issue commands you need to break into the kernel. Click "Debug->Break" and try the following commands:

!ustr srv!SrvComputerName 


That should give you the target system computer name.

如果您想了解有关内核调试的更多信息,我将在***上查看 TheSourceLens 。对于文学,我不能推荐任何书籍,因为我发现的大多数信息都是在线的。不过,建议您查看 OSR Online 。快乐调试。

If you want to learn more about kernel debugging, I would check out TheSourceLens on ***. As for literature, I can't recommend any books, because most information I find are online. However, I would recommend checking out OSR Online. Happy debugging.