
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-05-10 22:54:32

在使用OpenLDAP验证用户身份时,您的Gitlab配置以Active Directory为目标,因此首先要做的是在/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb中修复以下参数:>

Your Gitlab configuration targets Active Directory while you are using OpenLDAP to authenticate users, so the first thing to do is fixing the following parameters in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb:

uid: 'uid'
active_directory: false


I don't know what is the purpose of attributes in the context of an authentication (edit: attributes are used to synchronize user data from ldap to its Gitlab account, it shouldn't matter for the authentication itself).

如果您不知道使用uid,也许还有其他问题,例如用户的uid不是'user.name',或者基数太窄(user.name条目可能不在ou=people下). base dn作为基本搜索,或者通过运行带有/不带有"ou"部分的搜索来检查:

Maybe there are other issues like the user's uid not being 'user.name', or the base being too narrow for example (user.name entry may not be under ou=people), if you don't know use the base dn as base search, or check by running a search with/without the 'ou' part :

ldapsearch -H ldap:// -D cn=admin,dc=serverX,dc=lan -W -b ou=people,dc=serverX,dc=lan uid=user.name \*

我还将直接针对ldap检查凭证本身,即.而不是通过Gitlab,通过执行大致相同的查询,但使用 user.name 绑定,在这里,我们实际上测试了他是否可以绑定并读取其自己的条目:

I'd also check the credentials themselves directly against ldap , ie. not through Gitlab, by performing roughly the same query but using user.name bindings, here we actually tests that he can bind and read its own entry :

ldapsearch -H ldap:// -D <user.name dn> -W -b <user.name dn> -s base \*

GitLab文档还坚持认为 LDAP用户必须设置一个电子邮件地址,无论是否用于登录.

Also GitLab documentation insists on the fact that LDAP users must have an email address set, regardless of whether it is used to log in.

一个典型的ldif文件,其中包含要使用ldapadd -f创建的user.name条目(前提是存在以其专有名称提及的ou和dc):

A typical ldif file containing user.name entry to be created using ldapadd -f (provided that the ou and dc's mentioned in its distinguished name exists) would look like this :

# user.name entry 
dn: uid=user.name,ou=users,dc=serverX,dc=lan
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
cn: Firstname Lastname
givenName: Firstname
sn: Lastname
uid: user.name
mail: user.name@domain.com
userPassword: {MD5}<base64EncodedHash>


I don't know though if/how GitLab is aware of the password encryption scheme (seems there is no config for this or I missed it).


You can create a test case entry :

  • <base64EncodedHash>替换为{MD5}CY9rzUYh03PK3k6DJie09g==(它表示密码test,如果需要,我需要一个脚本来生成它们).
  • 也不要忘记用dn中的真实DC替换DC
  • 请注意ldif文件中的空行和\ t,因为它可能会破坏ldap的添加/修改操作.
  • 运行ldapadd -x -H ldap:// -D cn=admin,dc=serverX,dc=lan -W -f ldifFilename以创建用户条目.
  • 运行上面的第一个ldapsearch cmd,您应该看到该新条目的结果.
  • 运行第二个,绑定用户凭证"test"并搜索其自己的条目(因此,-b基本参数指向自己,以避免搜索期间的权限问题),您应该再次看到相同的结果.
  • replace the <base64EncodedHash> with {MD5}CY9rzUYh03PK3k6DJie09g== (it represents the password test, if you need I have a script to generate them).
  • don't forget also to replace the dc's with the real ones in the dn
  • beware of empty lines and \t in the ldif file as it can break your ldap add/modify operations.
  • run ldapadd -x -H ldap:// -D cn=admin,dc=serverX,dc=lan -W -f ldifFilename to create the user entry.
  • running the 1st ldapsearch cmd above, you should see a result for that new entry.
  • running the second one, binding with the user credentials 'test' and searching for its own entry (hence the -b base parameter pointing to himself to avoid permission issues during search), you should again see the same result.


In gitlab.rb :

gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = YAML.load <<-EOS
  label: 'Gitlab LDAP'
  host: ''
  port: 389
  uid: 'uid'
  bind_dn: 'cn=admin,ou=users,dc=serverX,dc=lan'
  password: 'xxxx'
  encryption: 'plain'
  active_directory: false
  allow_username_or_email_login: false
  block_auto_created_users: false
  base: 'ou=users,dc=serverX,dc=lan'

如果您可以与此用户绑定但不能通过gitlab ui绑定,则可能意味着它不处理{MD5}身份验证方案.

If you can bind with this user but not through gitlab ui, that could mean it does not handle the {MD5} authentication scheme.