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为什么Chrome(在Electron内部)突然重定向到chrome-error:// chromewebdata?

更新时间:2022-06-24 15:10:15

由于某种原因,您的代码试图导航到无效(不存在)的URL,然后导致 window.location.href chrome-error:// chromewebdata

For some reason, your code is trying to navigate to an invalid (non-existing) URL, which then results in window.location.href being chrome-error://chromewebdata.

要重申:没有直接重定向到 chrome-error:// chromewebdata ,但改为不存在或无法访问的URL。

To reiterate: there is no direct redirection to chrome-error://chromewebdata, but instead to a URL that doesn't exist or is not reachable.


Check if your code causes this navigation (possibly a redirect). It is very useful to inspect the Network tab in DevTools, making sure that "Preserve log" is checked. This should give some indication about what exactly is happening.