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为 Hadoop 2.4 版本构建 Apache Pig

更新时间:2022-12-06 11:58:02

如果您从 SVN 主干检出 Pig,您可以在以下位置验证它使用的 Hadoop 版本$PIG_HOME/ivy/libraries.properties .对于23"配置文件,它是 2.4.0 .从源代码( ant -Dhadoopversion=23 )构建 Pig 后,您可以验证 ivy 是否已在 $PIG_HOME/build/ivy/lib/Pig 下检索到正确的 Hadoop jar.

我怀疑您的 PIG_CLASSPATH 中的 Hadoop 版本有误.

If you checked out Pig from SVN trunk you can verify the Hadoop version it uses at $PIG_HOME/ivy/libraries.properties . For the "23" profile it is 2.4.0 . After you have built Pig from source ( ant -Dhadoopversion=23 ) you can verify whether ivy has retrieved the correct Hadoop jars under $PIG_HOME/build/ivy/lib/Pig .

I suspect that you have a wrong Hadoop version in your PIG_CLASSPATH.