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ASP.NET MVC Razor,使用url/profile/{username}生成配置文件

更新时间:2022-12-06 22:24:14


You can define a route definition to get seo friendly urls like that


Here is how you do it with attribute routing

public class ProfileController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index(string userId)
        return Content("Proile for " + userId);

因此,当用户访问/yourSite/profile/scott 时,将执行Profile控制器的Index操作,并且该操作的userId参数中将提供来自url(scott)的用户名值方法.在这里,我只是返回一个字符串"scott的配置文件".但是您可以对其进行查询以查询数据库以获得相应的记录,然后使用视图模型将该信息传递给视图.

So when you user access /yourSite/profile/scott the Index action of Profile controller will be executed and the username value from the url (scott) will be available in the userId parameter of the action method. Here i am simply returning a string "Profile for scott". But you can udpate it to query your database to get the corresponding record and pass that information to a view using a view model.


If you are using Razor pages, you will create a Profile page and it's model and specify the route

@page "{id:int}"
@model ProfileModel
    ViewData["Title"] = "Profile";

并在您的 Profile.cshtml.cs

public class ProfileModel : PageModel
    public string Message { get; set; }

    public void OnGet(string id)
        Message = "Profile of "+ id;


Like i mentioned above, i am just printing a string with the passed username from the url. But you can change it to get your data from your db table.