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与IIS 6扩展名的URL ASP.net MVC的性能

更新时间:2022-12-08 19:41:25

我们最近部署了大约收到一个应用程序。超过3个月增长20万的页面浏览量使用IIS 6通配符映射设置,也没有性能问题。我们做了最主机我们的形象在CDN,但其他静态内容直接从网站上提供。

We recently deployed an app that received approx. 20 million page views over a 3 month period using the IIS 6 wildcard mapping setup and had no performance issues. We did host most of our images on a CDN, but other static content was served directly from the site.


For what it's worth, IIRC, the asp.net handler will pass requests for static file types back to IIS through a default handler for processing. The only practical performance hit is the time during that process that a worker thread is occupied identifying and transferring the request. In all but the most extreme scenarios, this is too trivial to matter.

作为一个额外的说明中,我们负荷测试之前去住我提到的,发现它可以每秒处理近2000个静态请求和每秒约700请求,涉及数据库活动的网页应用程序。该网站托管于4 IIS 6服务器之后了1GB的互联网管道ZXTM负载平衡器。

As an extra note, we load tested the application I mentioned prior to going live and found that it could handle nearly 2000 static requests per second and around 700 requests per second for pages that involved database activity. The site was hosted on 4 IIS 6 servers behind a ZXTM load balancer with a 1GB internet pipe.


Here's a link with some good advice on the whole static file handling business:
