
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:1970-01-01 07:57:00


expr = 14.6413819224756*(df['X']**0.5)+64.4092780704338*(np.log(df['X'])**-2)+1675.7498523727*(np.exp(-df['X']))+3.07221083927051*np.cos(df['X'])


then you'll find out that your code is:



The shape of df['Z'] is (10,), which means it is a one-dimensional pandas.Series object which has 10 rows. However, (expr,8,9) is a simple tuple which has 3 items (expr is indeed a 10-row pandas.Series however).

这就是提示为operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (10,) (3,) 的原因,因为numpy不知道如何将 10 pandas.Series 3 项目tuple.

That's why the hint is operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (10,) (3,) , since numpy doesn't know how to compare a 10-row pandas.Series with a 3-item tuple.


Check your equation again and get it modified to meet your needs.



According to the comment, the 8 and 9 are two arguments to np.where(condition,x,y) as the x and y. But you put them in the expr after df['Z']>= by mistake, which makes the >= operator compares a pandas.Series's with a tuple, but not two pandas.Series.


Just move the last parentheses and the code will work well:



     X     Z  y
0   1.4     1  9
1   2.0  2000  8
2   3.0     3  9
3   4.0     4  9
4   5.0     5  9
5   6.0     6  9
6   7.0    70  8
7   8.0     8  9
8   9.0     9  9
9  10.0    10  9


要在满足两个条件的情况下执行np.where,或者说要执行and,只需使用np.where((condition1) & (conditions),x,y).例如:

To do np.where while two conditions are met, or to say, an and operation, just use np.where((condition1) & (conditions),x,y). For example:

df['foo']=np.where((df['Z']>3) & (df['Z']<100),True,False)


Note, the parentheses here before and after & is necessary. You'll get this with your data:

      X     Z           y    foo
0   1.4     1  999.999293  False
1   2.0  2000  380.275104  False
2   3.0     3  159.114194  False
3   4.0     4   91.481930   True
4   5.0     5   69.767368   True
5   6.0     6   63.030212   True
6   7.0    70   59.591631   True
7   8.0     8   56.422723   True
8   9.0     9   54.673108   True
9  10.0    10   55.946732   True