
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-12-07 22:20:06

感谢您对Azure机密计算的关注,对于您在部署时遇到麻烦,我深表歉意.目前,ACC的容量有限,并且不允许自动配额来免费试用或部署来自美国东部或欧洲西部的新订阅的免费试用或部署.Azure机密计算新发布了第二个ACC VM系列,称为DCsv2-Series.可以使用更大的大小选择和更大的EPC(安全区域页面缓存)内存来配置这些VM.该SKU当前位于英国南部和加拿大中部.

Thanks for your interest in Azure Confidential Compute, and I apologize that you're having trouble with your deployment. Right now, ACC has limited capacity and is not allowing automatic quota for free trials or deployments from new subscriptions in East US or Europe West. Azure confidential compute has newly released a second family of ACC VMs called DCsv2-Series. These VMs can be configured with a larger selection of sizes and a greater EPC (Enclave Page Cache) memory. This SKU is currently live in UK South and Canada Central.


Microsoft is working on documenting this recent change. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. 通过 Azure支持,请求更多配额.如果你是被禁止请求更多配额,请发出支持通知单说明您的问题.
  2. 您已收到DCsv2-Series的配额虚拟机,创建一个新的虚拟机资源在Azure门户中.
  3. 选择加拿大中部或英国南部作为您的区域.
  4. 选择所需的Ubuntu或Windows操作系统映像.
  5. 转到高级"选项卡,向下滚动,在虚拟机生成"部分中,选择第二代".
  6. 回到基本"标签并进入虚拟机器尺寸选择器.清除所有过滤器并搜索"DC",然后选择所需的尺寸.
  7. 完成配置,然后单击创建".
  1. Request for more quota via Azure Support. If you are blocked from requesting more quota, please issue a support ticket stating your issue.
  2. Once you've received quota for DCsv2-Series VMs, create a new Virtual Machine resource in the Azure Portal.
  3. Select either Canada Central or UK South as your region.
  4. Select an Ubuntu or Windows OS image of your choice.
  5. Head over to the "Advanced" tab, scroll down, in the "VM Generation" section, select "gen 2".
  6. Head back to the "Basics" tab and go into the Virtual Machine Size selector. Clear all filters and search for "DC" and select the size you want.
  7. Finish your configuration and click "create".


Hopefully this works! Let me know - thank you!