
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-09-21 09:27:52

所以,经过大量的搜索和尝试和错误,我被提出了@ default.kramer的链接,我一直追随!有一点点试验和错误,再次(在我看来***的方式),我设法得到我寻找的解决方案。现在,虽然你可以跟随链接(我强烈建议这样做),我将post的解决方案我的问题,因为我实现它。希望这可能会帮助有类似问题的人。

So, after a lot of searching and trial and error, I was presented with @default.kramer's link, which I duely followed! With a little bit of trial and error, again (best way in my opinion), I managed to get the solution I was looking for. Now, whilst you can follow the link (and I would highly suggest doing so), I am going to post the solution to my question as I implemented it. Hopefully this might help someone with a similar problem.


So, I now have my configuration setup class like so :

public static class DispatchConfiguration
    public static void ConfigureStructureMap(IContainer container, IDispatchConfiguration dispatchConfig)
        DispatchProcessBatchSize = dispatchConfig.DispatchProcessBatchSize;
        ServiceIsActive = dispatchConfig.ServiceIsActive;

现在,在使用设置文件以从app.config文件中检索配置。这显然是很好地确保我有灵活性,在更改我的配置设置,但它留给我的问题,无法轻松测试这些设置。说9-10测试需要服务是活跃的,但1测试想测试ServiceIsActive = false;,现在我有麻烦。

Now, before I was using a settings file to retrieve the configuration out of the app.config file. This was obviously good for ensuring I had flexibility in changing my config settings, but it left me with the problem of not being able to easily test those settings. Say 9/10 tests required the service to be active, but 1 test wanted to test "ServiceIsActive = false;", now I'm in trouble.


Now, however, I am able to inject the configuration from the test :

[Given(@"Config\.IsServiceActive returns false")]
public void GivenConfig_IsServiceActiveReturnsFalse()
    var settings = new DispatchSettings
        ServiceIsActive = false,
        DispatchProcessBatchSize = 100,
        UpdatedBy = "Unit Test"    

    DispatchConfiguration.ConfigureStructureMap(ObjectFactory.Container, settings);

然后在现实世界中,我可以从应用程序获取设置。 config:

And then in the real world I am able to get the settings from app.config :

public void Start(String[] args)
    var dispatchConfig = this.GetDispatchConfiguration();
    DispatchConfiguration.ConfigureStructureMap(ObjectFactory.Container, dispatchConfig);

private IDispatchConfiguration GetDispatchConfiguration()
    var config = (DispatchSettings)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("DispatchSettings");
    return config;


And then the actual config class looks like :

[XmlRoot(ElementName = "DispatchSettings", Namespace = "")]
public sealed class DispatchSettings : IDispatchConfiguration
    public Int32 DispatchProcessBatchSize { get; set; }
    public Boolean ServiceIsActive { get; set; }


For the sake of completeness the interface looks like so :

public interface IDispatchConfiguration
    Int32 DispatchProcessBatchSize { get; }
    Boolean ServiceIsActive { get; }


And finally, the config file looks like this :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <section name="DispatchSettings" type="MyNamespace.XmlConfigurator, MyNamespace.Core" />

    <DispatchSettings type="MyNamespace.DispatchSettings, MyNamespace.Core">


Now, anyone with a keen eye will spot "MyNamespace.XmlConfigurator". I found this on one of my Google journeys, and the code allows you to deserialize an Xml config into a class of your desire (as shown in this example). So, to ensure you have the complete code to make this technique work, below is the code for the XmlConfigurator. I cannot remember where I came across it, but a big thanks to the person who wrote it!!

public sealed class XmlConfigurator : IConfigurationSectionHandler
    public XmlConfigurator()

    public object Create(object parent, object configContext, XmlNode section)
        XPathNavigator navigator = null;
        String typeName = null;
        Type sectionType = null;
        XmlSerializer xs = null;
        XmlNodeReader reader = null;

            Object settings = null;

            if (section == null)
                return settings;

            navigator = section.CreateNavigator();
            typeName = (string)navigator.Evaluate("string(@type)");
            sectionType = Type.GetType(typeName);
            xs = new XmlSerializer(sectionType);
            reader = new XmlNodeReader(section);

            settings = xs.Deserialize(reader);

            return settings;
            xs = null;


And there you have it! I hope this allows anyone with a similiar issue to resolve it and is clear enough to follow!