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使用无类型数据集生成Crystal Report

更新时间:2023-09-23 23:30:22

您可以将无类型数据集用于Crystal report.u必须绑定报表对象中使用setdatabse的数据集


请参阅 http://***.com/questions/394841/using-untyped中的***讨论线程. -datasets-in-crystal-reports [动态Crystal报表查看 [具有C#的动态Crystal报表 [ C#Crystal Reports逐步 [ ASP.NET中的晶体报告 [ C#创建到***(C#1)的视频(ASP:C). a href ="http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&ved=0CIABELcCMAU&url=http% 3A%2F%2Fwww.***.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DjDhAUtbj4xM& ei = 7kueT_uiK4mW2QXTqMnqDg& usg = AFQjCNHS6r9u_pJuJdb6jgYm9ds_j2JQwA标题=" _ bla

Can any tell me how to generates crystal reports wwith Untyped datasets with an example.?

You can use untyped dataset for crystal report.u have to bind dataset using setdatabse in report object

and also u have to define inbuilt dataset templates which u have implement same schema datatable as u define in untyped dataset.

Refer *** discussion thread at

You mean, generating crystal report using a normal dataset.

Since you missed mentioning winforms or web, for:
Winforms have a look at these articles to get equipped with knowledge needed for it:
Dynamic Crystal Reports Viewing[^]
Dynamic Crystal Report with C#[^]
C# Crystal Reports step by step [^]

Crystal Reports in ASP.NET[^]
Video: How to create a C# ASP.NET Crystal Report (Part 1) - ***[^]
Video: How to create a C# ASP.NET Crystal Report (Part 2) - ***[^]