
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-09-30 10:36:28


To view event listeners for a single element you have selected, make sure you uncheck the 'Ancestors' box in the event listeners tab. If checked, you will see all event listeners for the ancestors of that element - which may be what you are seeing now.


Hovering doesn't really add another class to an element, it triggers a hover state for the element which can be targeted with a CSS pseudo-class selector. This is not an event listener but there are event listeners that can be added to detect the mouse pointer over the element (see end of answer). Here is an example of targeting the hover state of any paragraph tag with the :hover pseudo-class selector:

 p:hover {
      background: blue;
      color: white;

<p>Hover me</p>
<p>Or hover me</p>

在Chrome DevTools中,您可以在元素上强制悬停状态以查看其悬停状态行为.为此,请单击样式窗格右上方的:hov按钮,然后选中:hover框.如果该元素有任何伪类:hover样式规则,则它们现在将显示在样式窗格中,并且该元素将在视口中相应更改.

In Chrome DevTools, you can force a hover state on the element to view its hover state behavior. To do this click the :hov button at the top right of the styles pane, and then check the :hover box. If there are any pseudo-class :hover styling rules for that element, they will now be displayed in the styles pane and the element will change accordingly in the viewport.


There are event listeners such as 'mouseover' and 'mouseout' which, when used together, will emulate the hover state behavior. Note, however, that these are independent of the hover state - so forcing a hover state in DevTools will not cause these event listeners to trigger. If these event listeners are present on the element you are inspecting, they will show up in the event listeners tab - just remember to uncheck the 'Ancestors' box if you are inspecting a page with a lot of event listeners.