
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-10-19 21:50:34


Every time your logic decides to put a page break in the invoice, tell it to insert the following code also:

<?php include ("footer.php"); ?>

使用您想要放在页脚中的简单html创建一个footer.php文件.上面的代码假定your scriptfooter.php在同一目录中.

Create a footer.php file with the simple html you want to place in the footer. The above code assumes that your script and footer.php are in same directory.


Include PHP.net 的行为与您实际复制的行为完全相同-直接粘贴所有代码,而不是将其包括在内.但是每个包含文件都应在需要的地方具有自己的<?php ?>标记.没有<?php ?>标签,Control只会输出在那里看到的内容.

The Include PHP.net will behave exactly like you actually copy-pasted all the code directly instead of including it. But every include file should have its own <?php ?> tags where-ever required. Without <?php ?> tags, Control will just output whatever it sees there.


Footer.php can be a simple HTML-only file:

<div id="footer">
    Company XYZ (c)2000-2012 All Copyrights Reserved
    Some other footer text.

您也可以将其命名为footer. html ,但是如果以后在以后决定将一些动态数据放入footer中,将.html更改为.php将会非常困难.全部包括写在各种文件中的行.

You could also name it footer.html, but if later, in future, you decide to put some dynamic data in footer, it will be very difficult to change .html to .php in all include lines written in various files.


<div id="footer">
    Company XYZ (c)2000-2012 All Copyrights Reserved
    <?php echo $who_printed." ".$who_authorized; ?>


Of course it is just a simple example.


In a html page, you could force a div by using the following CSS code in an external linked .css file:

text-align: right;
height: 20px;

position:fixed;& bottom:0px;在这里完成技巧.即使页面滚动或其他操作,此"footer" div也会始终保持在底部.就像Facebook将其标题菜单置于顶部和顶部的方式一样聊天栏到底部.您还可以定义左右属性

position:fixed; & bottom:0px; is here doing the trick. It is forcing this "footer" div to stick to bottom always, even if page is scrolled or something. Like the way Facebook sticks its header menu to top & chat bar to bottom. You can also define left, right properties


Update: Ok, based on your comments, here is the sample code:


In CSS Style section, use:


    text-align: center;
    height: 20px;
    width: 100%;
    margin:0px auto;

所有属性都是不言自明的. Text-align使文本居中对齐. Width使此div .signature在页面上的宽度为100%.要求将div两侧留有相等的边距. Margin表示将0px边距放在顶部&底部和auto都在左侧&右边. Position使其固定在视口/页面上. Bottom说保持0px从底部开始.

All properties are self-explanatory. Text-align makes the text center-aligned. Width is making this div .signature 100% wide on page. It is required to put the div with equal margins on both sides. Margin is saying put 0px margin on top & bottom sides and auto on both left & right side. Position makes it fixed on viewport/page. Bottom says keep 0px from bottom.


In body of page, use this code:

    foreach ($orders as $order) {
        //<div class="order">order1 go here </div>
        //<div class="order">order2 go here </div>
        //<div class="order">order3 go here </div>
        //<div class="order">order4 go here </div>
    } // for each ENDS

<div class="signature">
      Authorized by <?php echo $who_authorized; ?> |
      Printed by <?php echo $who_printed; ?>

它只是将您在CSS样式中定义的任何属性分配给signature div.显然,您需要将此代码段包装到逻辑中,该逻辑确定何时回显/引入signature div.另外,$ who_authorized& $ who_printed需要保留一些值.

It simply assigns whatever properties you defined in CSS Styling to signature div. Obviously you need to wrap this snippet into your logic, which decides when to echo/introduce the signature div. Also, $who_authorized & $who_printed needs to hold some value.


For any block bigger than 3 lines, I always come out (?>) of PHP parser/control and simply write HTML as desired. Then, when required, I again enter PHP (<?php)


If you want to go with include, you can omit the last 6 lines( starting from ?> & ending with <!--//signature--> from my code and simply put this line there.

include ("footer.php");


This option also requires you to create a file named footer.php in the same directory and insert the following html code in it.

<div class="signature">
      Authorized by <?php echo $who_authorized; ?> |
      Printed by <?php echo $who_printed; ?>