
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-10 10:07:16


There's a great recursive solution to this problem based on the following observations:

  1. 空列表的反面是空列表。

  2. 单例列表的反向本身。

  3. 列表的反向节点N后跟列表L的后面是列表L的反向,后跟节点N.


You can therefore implement the reverse function using pseudocode along these lines:

void reverseList(Node node) {
    if (node == null) return;      // Reverse of empty list is itself.
    if (node.next == null) return; // Reverse of singleton list is itself.

    reverseList(node.next); // Reverse the rest of the list
    appendNodeToList(node, node.next); // Append the new value.

此算法的简单实现在O(n 2 ),因为每次反转都需要一个追加,这需要对列表的其余部分进行O(n)扫描。但是,您实际上可以使用聪明的观察在O(n)中使用它。假设您有一个如下所示的链接列表:

A naive implementation of this algorithm runs in O(n2), since each reversal requires an append, which requires an O(n) scan over the rest of the list. However, you can actually get this working in O(n) using a clever observation. Suppose that you have a linked list that looks like this:

n1 --> n2 --> [rest of the list]


If you reverse the list beginning at n2, then you end up with this setup:

n1       [reverse of rest of the list] --> n2
 |                                          ^

因此,您可以通过设置将n1附加到列表其余部分的反面n1.next.next = n1 ,更改 n2 ,反向列表的新结尾,指向n1:

So you can append n1 to the reverse of the rest of the list by setting n1.next.next = n1, which changes n2, the new end of the reverse list, to point at n1:

[reverse of the rest of the list] --> n2 --> n1


And you're golden! Again more pseudocode:

void reverseList(Node node) {
    if (node == null) return;      // Reverse of empty list is itself.
    if (node.next == null) return; // Reverse of singleton list is itself.

    reverseList(node.next); // Reverse the rest of the list
    node.next.next = node; // Append the new value.


As Ran pointed out, this uses the call stack for its storage space and thus risks a stack overflow. If you want to use an explicit stack instead, you can do so like this:

void reverseList(Node node) {
    /* Make a stack of the reverse of the nodes. */
    Stack<Node> s = new Stack<Node>();
    for (Node curr = node; node != null; node = node.next)

    /* Start unwinding it. */
    Node curr = null;
    while (!s.empty()) {
        Node top = s.pop();

        /* If there is no node in the list yet, set it to the current node. */
        if (curr == null)
            curr = top;
        /* Otherwise, have the current node point to this next node. */
            curr.next = top;

        /* Update the current pointer to be this new node. */
        curr = top;


I believe that this similarly inverts the linked list elements.