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如何对嵌套在结构数组中的结构数组进行排序 C

更新时间:2023-11-18 20:33:46

通过尝试滚动你自己的排序例程而不是使用 qsort 由 C 库提供.使用 qsort,您只需编写一个 compare 函数来比较 race_node的 boat_data[] 数组成员的元素代码>.比较函数原型为:

You are making things much harder and much more error prone by trying to roll-your-own sort routine rather than using qsort provided by the C library. With qsort all you need to do is write a compare function that compares elements of the boat_data[] array member of race_node. The compare function prototype is:

 int compare (const void *a, const void *b)

所有ab 所在的位置,都是指向数组boat_data[] 元素的指针.因此,在 compare 中,您只需将 ab 转换为正确的类型(例如 structboat_node const *pa = a, *pb = b; 或者如果您在第一个结构体上完成了 typedef,只需 boat_node const *pa = a, *pb = b;).

Where all a and b are, are pointers to elements of the array boat_data[]. So within compare you simply need to cast a and b to the correct type (e.g. struct boat_node const *pa = a, *pb = b; or if you complete your typedef on your first struct, simply boat_node const *pa = a, *pb = b;).

然后比较 pa->time_to_complete_racepb->time_to_complete_race 返回 -1 如果 pa->time_to_complete_race 排序 before pb->time_to_complete_race1 如果 pb->time_to_complete_race 排序 之前 pa->time_to_complete_race,或者 0 如果它们相等(注意:完全一样 strcmp() 确实)

Then compare pa->time_to_complete_race and pb->time_to_complete_race returning -1 if pa->time_to_complete_race sorts before pb->time_to_complete_race or 1 if pb->time_to_complete_racesorts before pa->time_to_complete_race, or 0 if they are equal (note: exactly the way strcmp() does)

你的 compare 函数是:

int compare (const void *a, const void *b)
    boat_node const *pa = a, *pb = b;

    return (pa->time_to_complete_race > pb->time_to_complete_race) -
            (pa->time_to_complete_race < pb->time_to_complete_race);


typedef struct boat_data {
    int ID;
    int time_to_complete_race;
    int points;
} boat_node;

然后对作为 race_node Race 成员的 boat_data[] 数组进行排序,您只需调用:

Then to sort your boat_data[] array which is a member of race_node race , all you do is call:

    qsort (race.boat_data, race.num_boats_competing, 
            sizeof *race.boat_data, compare);


新的 C 程序员常常对使用 qsort 犹豫不决,因为他们不知道如何编写 compare 函数.在您了解 ab 只是指向 元素的任何要排序的元素这一事实之后,您可以轻松地提供一个强制转换正确的类型,然后进行比较,告诉 qsort 您希望它如何排序.

New C programmers are often hesitant to use qsort because they don't know how to write the compare function. After you make friends with the fact that a and b are just pointers to elements of whatever you are sorting, you can easily provide a cast to the proper type and then a comparison that tells qsort how you want it sorted.

在这种情况下,您只需要按 time_to_complete_race 排序的 boat_data[] 数组.return (a > b) - (a < b) 形式只是一种避免潜在溢出的简便方法,如果您想 return a - b; 其中,例如,a 是一个大的负整数,b 是一个大的正整数.

In this case you simply want the array of boat_data[] sorted by time_to_complete_race. The return (a > b) - (a < b) form is simply a convenient way to avoid potential overflow were you tempted to return a - b; where, e.g., a is a large negative integer and b a large positive integer.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAX_BOAT_NUMBER 10

typedef struct boat_data {
    int ID;
    int time_to_complete_race;
    int points;
} boat_node;

typedef struct race_result {
    char race_date[80];
    int start_time;
    int num_boats_competing;
    boat_node boat_data[MAX_BOAT_NUMBER];
} race_node;

int compare (const void *a, const void *b)
    boat_node const *pa = a, *pb = b;

    return (pa->time_to_complete_race > pb->time_to_complete_race) -
            (pa->time_to_complete_race < pb->time_to_complete_race);

int main (void) {

    race_node race = { .race_date = "11/26/19",
                       .start_time = 1400,
                       .num_boats_competing = 3,
                       .boat_data = {{ 1, 23, 0 },
                                     { 2, 21, 0 },
                                     { 3, 22, 0 }} };

    qsort (race.boat_data, race.num_boats_competing, 
            sizeof *race.boat_data, compare);

    for (int i = 0; i < race.num_boats_competing; i++)
        printf ("%2d  %4d  %d\n", race.boat_data[i].ID,


points 成员都剩下0:

$ ./bin/boat_race
 2    21  0
 3    22  0
 1    23  0


Much easier than trying to write your own sort. Look things over and let me know if you have further questions.