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Visual Studio的未处理的异常检查器插件

更新时间:2023-11-20 20:19:52



我相当确定其中一个 DevExpress 产品包含一个可以做的东西(这样的东西)这个。

I would like to be able, at compile time, to ask any given method what possible Exceptions might get thrown by invoking it. The list of Exceptions should include any uncaught Exception that might get thrown in any nested method invokation. Caught Exceptions should not be included in the list as I'm only interested in the Exceptions that might bubble up to my own code.

Does a plug-in for Visual Studio with that feature or something similar exist?

It would be great if this plug-in were also able to assist in the documentation of my code.

Similar question: Checked exception catching in C#

I actually just found the site, it's Red-Gate that has a tool called Exception Hunter, which pretty much does this.

Not right:
I am fairly certain one of the DevExpress products includes a plugin that can do (something like?) this.