
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-11-24 09:05:04

有关转换以及这种情况下的关系转换的主要信息源可以在ECMA的" Office Open XML文件格式—开放包装约定"中找到. "文件.链接

The main source of information on transforms, and relationship transforms in this case, can be found in ECMA's "Office Open XML File Formats — Open Packaging Conventions" paper. Link here.


The section of importance is

Relationship Transform应该创建.rels文件的副本,在这种情况下为"/_rels/.rels",并删除所有与 SourceId 不匹配的 Relationship 节点. >.该文件是最终经过哈希处理并创建摘要的文件.

Relationship Transform should create a copy of the .rels file, in this case "/_rels/.rels" and remove all Relationship nodes that don't match with SourceId. This file is what is eventually hashed and creates the digest.

包实现者应删除所有没有 Id值的Relationship元素 匹配任何SourceId值或匹配任何SourceType值的Type值, 在转换定义中指定的SourceId和SourceType值.

The package implementer shall remove all Relationship elements that do not have either an Id value that matches any SourceId value or a Type value that matches any SourceType value, among the SourceId and SourceType values specified in the transform definition.


Under step 3, "Prepare for canonicalization" it also states:

包实施者应添加一个 TargetMode 属性及其默认值(如果此可选) 关系元素中缺少属性

The package implementer shall add a TargetMode attribute with its default value, if this optional attribute is missing from the Relationship element


Because we are creating a relationship between files in the same package, we have the value of "Internal". You need to add this attribute before you hash it.


So after the transform and c14n, you should have:

<Relationships xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships"><Relationship Id="rId1" Target="word/document.xml" TargetMode="Internal" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/officeDocument"></Relationship></Relationships>


NOTE: If you are using a unix system, be aware of linebreaks, the OPC uses CRLF not LF.