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使用带有特殊字符的 URL 名称是个好主意吗?

更新时间:2023-11-27 16:57:40

从 SEO 的角度


  • 网络媒体资源上的所有 URL 都必须符合这些规则(按优先级列出)

1) 唯一(1 个 URL == 1 个资源)

1) unique (1 URL == 1 ressource)

2) 永久(它们不会改变)

2) permanent (they do not change)

3) 可管理(每个站点 1 个逻辑)部分,没有复杂的例外)

3) manageable (1 logic per site section, no comlplicated exceptions)

4) 易于扩展的逻辑

5) 短

6) 有针对性的关键字词组

6) with a targeted keyword phrase

目标关键字词组最不重要 - 但它仍然很重要.如果您可以拥有一个简短、可扩展、可管理、永久且独特的 URL 逻辑 - 使用非英文字符,那就去做吧.

the targeted keyword phrase is the least important - but it's still important. if you can have a short, scaleable, manageable, permanent, unique URL logic - with non-english characters, then go for it.

如果 URL 与搜索词匹配,则有好处,因为搜索词在 SERP 中突出显示,此外 URL 是最常用的锚文本(因为人们倾向于复制和粘贴 URL),因此您会很酷锚文本如果您在 URL 中使用关键字(任何语言),那么 URL 关键字也会被视为内容并向页面添加上下文,这是另一个 SEO 加分项.

there are benifits if the URL match the search term, as the search term gets highlighted in the SERPs, additionally the URL is the most used anchor text (as people tend to copy & paste URLs), so you get a cool anchor text if you use the keyword (in whatever language) in the URL, also the URL keyword is seen as content and adds context to the page, another SEO plus.

所以,是的,去吧,但前提是它对原则 1 到 5 不起作用

so yeah, go for it, but only if it does not work agains principle 1 to 5