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Pear Mail,如何以 UTF-8 格式发送纯文本/文本 + 文本/html

更新时间:2023-11-27 20:16:52

我发现标题应该以不同的方式编写.特别是,其中一些是 mime 对象的参数,而不是电子邮件标题.然后应该将 mime_params 数组传递给 get() 函数.

I discovered that the headers are supposed to be written differently. In particular, some of them are parameters for the mime object, and not email headers. Then the mime_params array should be passed to the get() function.


This is the correct way to set the headers:

$headers = array(
  'From'          => 'info@mydomain.com',
  'Return-Path'   => 'info@mydomain.com',
  'Subject'       => 'mysubject',
  'Content-Type'  => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'

$mime_params = array(
  'text_encoding' => '7bit',
  'text_charset'  => 'UTF-8',
  'html_charset'  => 'UTF-8',
  'head_charset'  => 'UTF-8'

$mime = new Mail_mime();

$html = '<html><body><b>my body</b></body></html>';
$text = 'my body';


$body = $mime->get($mime_params);
$headers = $mime->headers($headers);
$mail_object =& Mail::factory('smtp', $GLOBALS['pear_mail_config']);
$mail_object->send('test@mydomain.com', $headers, $body);