
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-01 11:31:34



If you are using an Array, (I recomend that you do), to hold the data when you populate the datagrid, you can just simply check if the values are the same.

You can simply do something like this:
if (newDatagridValue != OldDatagridValue)
    databaseField = newDatagridValue;


因此,如果将包含您所呈现信息的数组与新数组进行比较,当您点击退出按钮时,可以看到它是否已更改并重写您的数据源以反映您的更改。 br $>


(this is ofcourse pseudocode to show you what I mean, and not usable)

So if the Array holding the information you have presented is compared to a new array, that is made when you hit the "exit" button, you can see if it has changed and rewrite your data-source to reflect your changes.
