
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-01 21:28:10

您正在运行一个期望张量为NumPy ndarray的操作.不幸的是,这是行不通的.您只需要使用 张量运算符来重新实现自定义操作.

You are running an operation which expects a NumPy ndarray on tensors. Unfortunately this will not work. You need to reimplement the custom operation using only tensor operators.

说过,直接使用Tensorflow中的函数也可以,例如import tensorflow中的函数,并在自定义层中使用这些函数,可能会比单独提供Keras后端给您更多的功能.

Having said that, using functions from Tensorflow directly is OK as well, say from import tensorflow and use those inside a custom layer might give you more functions than Keras backend alone.