
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-04 21:45:34


Edit: From the comment to my answer by @cgohlke, this will change in PIL1.2:

支持从标准导入 命名空间[已删除]; PIL现在仅位于PIL命名空间中

the support for importing from the standard namespace [has been dropped]; PIL now lives in the PIL namespace only


I think the Django comment is pretty clear:

# Try to import PIL in either of the two ways it can end up installed.


PIL can either be installed as a single package, and you access the modules within it:

from PIL import ImageFile as PILImageFile


or the modules can each be installed separately:

import ImageFile as PILImageFile


So PIL is installed, it is just split up into it's component modules.

这也是中使用PIL的问题virtualenv或buildout ,@ Ignacio在评论中提到 PIL教程实际上期望以这种方式安装,第一段代码开始:

It's also the issue in The problem with installing PIL using virtualenv or buildout, and @Ignacio mentions in a comment that the PIL tutorial actually expects it to be installed this way, the very first chunk of code starts:

>>> import Image

不是from PIL import Image.


I agree this is confusing behavior, but I guess it's a relatively large package so they might think it's easier to not have to deal with an extra level of depth.


This seems to be the problem in Python - package installed with easy_install is not being detected (PIL 1.1.7) although only the last answerer there figured it out, the rest of the people don't know what is going on.