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更新时间:2023-12-04 22:11:46



SQL Server为每个删除的记录保留日志.您可以通过"fn_dblog" sql服务器函数查询这些日志.
If your database is in full recovery mode then it is possible to restore it back in time. Otherwise you need to restore a backup to get that data back.

else u can try this also

SQL Server keeps log for each deleted records. you can query these logs via ''fn_dblog'' sql server function.
Select [RowLog Contents 0]
FROM   sys.fn_dblog(NULL, NULL)
WHERE  AllocUnitName = 'dbo.TableName'
       AND Context IN ( 'LCX_MARK_AS_GHOST', 'LCX_HEAP' )
       AND Operation in ( 'LOP_DELETE_ROWS' )

请参阅以下内容: http://raresql.com/2011/10/22/how-to-recover-deleted-data-from-sql-sever/ [

But this log is in Hex format. and you need to convert this Hex format to your actual data.
refer this: http://raresql.com/2011/10/22/how-to-recover-deleted-data-from-sql-sever/[^]


您只能使用交易 [回滚 [
There is no way to do this. Once you deleted the data, you''ll not be able to recover it, until and unless you have a external recovery option.

You can only prevent the data loss using Transactions[^]. Because a Rollback[^] option is there with it to rollback the data of previous stage.


Don''t delete records from your table just add a new column which save true or false. When you want to delete it then just update that record''s column value to false. After that whenever you want to undo the deleted operation fire another update statement to change status of the record to true. And whenever you want only not deleted record add where clause in your select statement to check the recordStatus to determine it is deleted or not using true or false.