
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-12-05 09:22:16


The first thing I would do is have a read through Painting in Swing and Performing custom painting to better understand how the painting process works.


Next you need to understand that JFrame is a bad choice for painting to. Why? Because it's multilayered.


A JFrame contains a JRootPane, which contains a JLayeredPane the contentPane, glassPane and the JMenuBar and in your example, it also contains a JPanel.


With the (default) exception of the glassPane, all these components are opaque.


While it's possible to have something drawn in the paint method show it, if any of the other components paint themselves, it will be wiped clean - this is because Swing components can actually be painted independently of each other, with having to have the parent paint itself first.


A better solution is to start by extending from JPanel and override its paintComponent method.


For simplicity, I'd also encourage you to implement the ActionListener against this class as well, it will allow the actionPerformed method to access the properties of the component and, in your case, call repaint to trigger a paint cycle when you want to update the UI.